Why we need Detoxification ??

Detoxification is the process of removing toxic substance from body, which is accumulated in liver over a time due to alcohol, medicine, pollution and food.
Detoxification starts in your liver. While it’s a complicated process, your liver essentially does this in two phases. 
First, it converts toxic substances to highly reactive metabolites and then excretes these toxins. Your kidneys, lungs, and even gut also play a role in detoxification.

Cleanse Your Body Naturally with food- A healthy diet is the most important way to detoxify. First, remove foods that interfere with detoxification or make you more toxic. 

How do you know if you need to detoxify ?
 Everyone should detox at least once a month because in present time our Environment, Food, Water are loaded with toxins and also we are now very habitual of taking medicines for small issues- all these things are accumulated in liver. Once your body is overloaded with the toxins then its start showing several symptoms, which are listed below:

  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Sluggish elimination
  • Irritated skin
  • Allergies
  • Low-grade infection
  • Puffy eyes or bags under the eyes
  • Bloating
  • Menstrual problems
  • Mental confusion
If you see any on of those symptom then you need to do the detoxification. But before starting any program discuss with your health Consultant. 

How does detox works?
Detoxification can help the body's natural cleansing process by:
  •  Resting the Organs through fasting.
  •  Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body;
  •  Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys, and skin.
  •  Improving circulation of the blood; and 
  •  Refueling the body with healthy nutrients.
Here are some tips to detoxify your body:
  •  Eat fresh and clean food.
  •  Fix your meal timings.
  •  Drink plenty of water.
  •  Start exercising regularly.
  •  Avoid Non-Veg food.
  •  Avoid food with additives & preservatives.
  •  Avoid excessive sugar and salt.
  •  Take proper 8 hours sleep.
  •  Eat plenty of Fiber.
  • Add Green Tea, Green Smoothies and fresh juices.


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  2. Please do share such important information. Its very useful

  3. This is a very informative blog. You are doing a very good job. Thank you.

  4. This needs to be followed by everyone. It really helps 👍

  5. Good article and ya detoxing our body is really good for health

  6. thank you for sharing this,, i love reading it

  7. thank you for sharing this,, i love reading it - glowwithme_sg

  8. Detox ur body is very much important. On every Sunday I detoxfi

  9. Love it..the way it's presented

  10. Very interesting article, detailed info, the tips are really helpful, thank you so much 😊 -kauzmetical-

  11. Very good information in detail

  12. Detoxification is always important ,loved reading your blog

  13. Amazing article and well presented

  14. Amazing article.... Detoxification is very important


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